Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Final!!!

Dave asked me the other day why I didn't keep up with the blog...sigh. I think it has to do with having so much to say and it being too hard to sit down and sort it all out. We went to court today to finalize Caiden's adoption. We went into the judges chambers to talk with him and sign papers. It was much more of a personal experience versus being in a large courtroom (that we did pass through on our way to the chambers). Seth and Lacey came with us to check out the process in preparation for their own adoption. Lacey took pictures and Seth recorded with our video camera. I'm glad some one was there to help us record the experience. Thanks Lacey and Seth!!!I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time we were int eh chambers! I'm just so relieved, happy, and de-stressed now that its final and done!


Lanna said...

Wahooo!!!! I'm so happy (and relieved) for you. Wish we could be there to celebrate.

Caryl said...

Congratulations!! What a blessing! I, too, wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!

B. Perky said...

That is so wonderful. I am in love with those blue eyes, you know.