Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Here in Sacramento, I keep passing by places that I remember my mom being at and dong things at. In the last year and a half I have found myself at odds with how my relationship was with my mom versus how I feel with her gone. Her death hit me harder than I ever thought would. It shook me to my foundations. and I miss her so much, but there were so many times we did not get along. I can picture here here in Sacramento so easy. We moved here when I was in my junior year of high school and I hated it here. Yet it was here that I met my husband briefly before we re met at BYU after his mission. I was so eager to move out on my own away from my parents. I was never homesick at college. So why now do feel myself looking back? I'm a mom now with 2 wonderful children. One who remembers her grandma and misses her and the other who came 4 months after she died. I know she loved Anna with all her heart and would love Caiden in person the same way. Guess she will just have to do it from above now. Ok, this is sappy enough, but thanks for letting me get it off my system. Until later see ya!

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