Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm Back

As you can all see, I've decided to take charge of my blog and change it. Not that I'm satisfied with it yet...but it's a start. Everyday is so full that it's hard to sit down and put it into words...or even have hands free to But I love my life. It's full of those moments where I am feeding my baby and hes falling asleep in my arms. At that precise moment as I look out the window at the great view, everything is right with the world. Anna may be outside playing or watching a little T.V. and I know I wouldn't give any of it up.
Caiden continues to grow more each day. This week he cut his first tooth. He weighed in at 21 lbs, 28 1/2 inches. He's developing into a perfectly happy baby and I know its for him and Anna that we weren't able to ever get pregnant. And I'm fine with that. He's crawling everywhere and he can get up the stairs and into his own room within a blink of the eye. Thank goodness for gates!
Anna graduated from preschool last week! Wow she is growing so fast! She starts swim lessons in the morning tomorrow and karate lessons in the afternoon at the youth center on base. She adores her baby brother and is so stinking cute (and yes she knows it). Shes still my baby girl though and I still get snuggles from her and she still willingly holds my hand, gives kisses, and creeps into my bed during the night.
Dave keeps busy at work and keeps coming home with saying he got more jobs to do. And of course he can't tell me any details about it at all.
My time is kept busy with making jewelry (loving it) and teaching other friends how to. Then there's house cleaning, baby caring, and child rearing. Of course there's reading, playing, and hanging out with friends and their kids. Eventually I am going to get my Pampered Chef business up and going again...sigh.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Yea! It's fun to hear about your happenings and see your cute kids. Your blog looks great.