Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Please don't go into shock!

Yes, here I am updating...and six months hasn't even passed yet!...heh heh heh. SO this week has been full of being sick, Caiden being sick, Dave feeling sick, and Anna being busy girl. On Monday Anna started swim lessons. On Tuesday she started karate lessons. She definitely loving both! Of course on Tuesday Dave had to take her and he was amazing to get the day off as I spent the whole night previous, spewing (can you believe the Dr didn't know what spewing was?). So out of pity or was is preservation for the kids, he got the day off to take care of them, and I slept. Caiden has been under the weather also since Friday. So today after talking to the nurse at the clinic, I was told to take him to urgent care. (Now why couldn't they see me or send me to the main clinic?.....). The urgent care has virtually no one in there waiting and still it took 1 1/2 hours to be done! All of it for the Dr to come in, make some noises, comment on how he does not look like me (yes Dr he is adopted...) and ask if our other child was biological (nope, and happy for it!). Some other nonsense (I think trying to assess if I had brains enough to understand anything, hmmmm) later he said well he has a viral infection (no duh), a little red in the ears and throat (I did just tell him the whole family with the exception of Anna has been under the weather and had sore throats). Since hes not dehydrated (yes I know to make sure my child has plenty of liquids...), then to just give him Pedialyte and watch him and have him seen on Friday......... An hour and a half for something I already knew and was doing. argh!!!!

Hmm well thanks for letting me get that vented. Lol.

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