Sunday, September 16, 2007

Poor Little Tike is exhausted from going through the placement. It was a wonderful experience, all of us together with Caiden's Birthmom. She is a wonderful woman, who leaves us in awe of her ability to be so loving enough to place Caiden with us. We will be forever grateful for her sacrifice.
Mom (Grandma) Leach came with Dave and Anna up to Idaho to help during the placement. It was a great time to have the chance to bond more with her nad to watch her and Anna bond more than they have before. I really missed her after she left, espcially the help witht he early morning feedings...oh wait..that was Daves time..I got ot sleep finally! Seriously, she was missed very much after she left that Friday evening, but we knew we would have to give her back to Dad Leach eventually...

After the placement and lunch we took the opportunity to walk aroudn the Idaho Falls temple. What a beautiful temple and the grounds. Look! This is proof that every now and then I let Dave use the camera and don't run and hide from it. Heh heh heh

We had to do a family shot. You know it was much easier to do one with one infant, than with a 4 year old and an infant. When we first got Anna, we set up the camera timer and took pictures with her as a family. It's a little harder this time. Hmmmmm
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